We Need Your Support
When we were
utterly helpless, Christ came at just
the right time and died for us sinners. Now, no one is likely
to die for a good person, Though someone might be willing
to die for a person who is especially good.
But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ
to die for us while we were still sinners.
Romans 5:6 (NIV)
What Our Ministry Does
Arms Outstretched Ministry, Inc. reaches out to help a variety
of people to meet their needs emotionally, spiritually, and financially.
Our mission to show the love of Jesus through acts of compassion are
fulfilled below.

"Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one
of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me"
Matthew 25:40
Wounded Warrior Outreach
Arms Outstretched Ministry together with Dixie Bones Restaurant, provide catered
lunch, care packages, and friendship to the wounded warriors, their families and staff at the National Naval Medical
Center in the Bethesda, MD. We conduct this ministry monthly. We also provide transportation services in the form
of airline tickets, rental car needs, hotel, and food needs to the families of the wounded warriors as funding is available.
Homeless Outreach
Provide clothing, coats, food, blankets, hygiene items, hats, gloves, socks and the
gospel to the homeless living on the streets, under bridges , wood camps and to the local shelters of
in Prince William, Stafford, and Fredericksburg areas. We also team with other churches and ministry groups to serve hot
meals and distribute free clothing, hygiene items, and other needed items to the homeless and needy families in the
area which we call "Love in Action Outreach".
Prison Outreach
We visit Adults and Juveniles incarcerated in the Prince William, Fairfax, and Stafford,
and Fredericksburg Jail systems. We offer them counseling, hope and spirtual guidance. We provide gifts of bibles to
each inmate we visit.
Teen Explosion Outreach
Provide teenagers with mentorship, counseling, and an alternate way to have fun and
fellowship with other teens in an attempt to keep them off the streets! We provide food, bibles, games/quizzes, talent shows,
raffle prizes, and guest speakers. We hold an event called "Teen Exposion" annually at various locations. If you
would like us to hold an outreach at your church or location, contct us! We also provide school supplies
to children of all ages during the school year.
Adopt A Soldier Outreach
In an effort to support our military troops overseas, we send care packages, cards,
and letters to men and woman serving overseas during a time of war. We receive letters and emails
back from the soldiers expressing their gratitude (see our testimony page). We also support the families of military
members serving in war by providing food, clothing for children, diapers, home repairs, utilities, or any other need of the
family. We provide 100 meal packages purchased by Angel Food Ministries to military familes on a monthly basis. Gift
cards are also provided to the family to purchase items of need.
Click here to download Meal Distribution Registration Form
Senior Citizens
We fellowship with the Elderly citizens in our community
who reside at the local senior citizens homes in Prince William County. We provide bingo, dramas and skits, gifts,
and friendship to all the residents living in retirement homes and hospitals. We also provide for the needs of
the elderly who live at home with food, shelter, home repairs, and fellowship. Foster Children/At Risk Youth Outreach
We visit the Girl's and Boy's Foster homes, youth at risk homes, and detention and group homes in
the Prince William, Stafford, Fredericksburg, and Fairfax counties. We bring gifts to the children as well as
needed items such as clothing, hygiene items and shoes. We also keep in touch with them throughout the year to
show our love and friendship to them. During the holidays, we do something special for them such as our annual "Angel
Tree" outreach when we fulfill the foster kids wish list with Christmas gifts that they would normally not be able to
receive. Bread Distribution
Once a week, we distribute
fresh bread and bakery products donated by Bloom grocery store to the homeless living in the woods, families in
the community, churches, and local fire and police stations.
If you wish to volunteer in any of these areas
of ministry or you would like to contribute financially to what God is doing through Arms Outstretched Ministry,
please go to our "donate" or "contact us" pages. Thank
you and God Bless You!
In The News
Group Helping Wounded Warriors Seeks Volunteers to Gift Wrap
Expanding Adopt A Soldier Program
Teen Explosion Hits Stafford
5 Ways To Serve the DC Area This Holiday Season
DC Area Adopt A Solider Program Helps Local Marine
All content (c) 2011 Arms Outstretched Ministry, Inc |