Arms Outstretched Ministry Inc Virginia

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We Need Your Support

When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, no one is likely to die for a good person, Though someone might be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. Romans 5:6 (NIV)


Arms Outstretched Ministry, Inc. began a program in 2010 called "Invest in Me".

"Invest in Me" is a sponsorship program to help individuals accomplish worthy achievements within their communities or help students accomplish educational goals.

Program Criteria:

  1. Candidate is asked to write a short essay explaining their need for sponsorship , personnal accomplishments, short and long time goals, and how sponsorship would help in accomplishing their goal.
  2. Candidate are encouraged to attempt to raise funds for thier cause on their own with the help of the ministry. 
  3. Request for sponsorship will be reviewed and decisions on funding will be made by the board members of the ministry.
  4. Requests and Essay's should be mailed to the ministry address.


Current Sponsorships:

Sean Reagan of Fairfax, VA will ride in a bicycle marathon called the Police Unity Tour in 2010 to show his support  for law unforcement officers who have died in the line of duty.  The money he raises will help support the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial and Museum's Hall of Remembrance. The ministry is supporting Sean in his worthy achievement.


 My name is Yvonne and I am a 36 year old Christian woman. I am married to my wonderful husband and friend, Jay. I call this my "hope" page, because the Lord has restored me with the hope and faith that I once lost. You see, since I was a little girl playing with dolls, I have always had the desire and the dream of becoming a mother. In 2005, my dream became reality. To our surprise, I was pregnant. I was 6 weeks pregnant, when a devastating thing happen. My pregnancy was a (ectopic) tubal pregnancy and there was no way of saving our child. (He has been named, Makiah Methusalem Fogle). I was forced to have surgery and lost my right fallopian tube. Through prayers and "hope" we knew that the Lord had a plan through all of this. I never lost the desire in my heart to start a family. Our emotions were empty and I had a difficult time being around children, but the Lord directed me to continue to do his work. I volunteered at Pregnancy Solutions for Woman, I went to the Dominican Republic to care for young orphan children who do not have families, but I was still heart broken. The next 4 years, my husband and I did everything we were told (medically) to protect my left fallopian tube, knowing that someday God would bless us again with another child. In June 2009, our dream once again become reality. Yes, I was pregnant!!The pregnancy was going really good, until I began to feel pain which in turn was another ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. (She was named, Alexia Marie Fogle). My heart which was retored had again become broken, my hope was gone and all I could do was fight the last fight. Ectopic pregnancy is when the child does not plant themselves in the uterus, but instead continues to grow in the fallopian tube and there is no medical way of saving the child at that point and can be extremely dangerous for the mother, sometimes even leading into death. Against my doctors request for my well being, my husband and I spend the next 2 1/2 weeks, fasting in prayer over our child and my health. At some point, my body became very weak, and would not allow me to challenge this anymore. I was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery and again the worse thing that could have happened did. They could not save my child and my tube would have to be removed. I was devastated and lost once again. I knew that I could no longer get pregnant naturally and we have lost two children within 4 years. I know some people would say the child wasn't born yet, but I can tell you that the minute you conceive a child, the child is born and you begin to love that child from that very minute. I know I am not the only one out there, that has lost a child, and to all those who have, I am deeply sorry and my heart and prayers are always with you. Through this struggle, I lost hope, faith, trust and even direction, but I never lost my desire. I know that our children are in the arms of the Lord now and my "hope" is that someday I will be able to carry our child (or two), in my womb and share the experience of our dream and desire to start a family with all of you. Because I am 36, the doctor suggest that I proceed with invitro within the next 16 months, while my ovaries are still in their healthy position. I have done much research on this procedure and have been tested and at this time I am in the 95% range for a successful invitro procedure and a desire to come true. We thank everyone who can donate to our "hope". We are so greatful for Arms Outstretched Ministry, Inc. for helping us through this and we ask that if you can not donate at this time financially, that you continue to pray for us and Arms Outstretched Ministry, Inc.  Please visit my webpage to learn more about how you can support us through Arms Outstretched Ministry, Inc. 

 Love and blessings~

Yvonne & Jay & our little angels



Katelynn of Durant High School in Oklahoma is a proud member for the past 5 years of her school band, "The Pride of Durant".   Katelynn is 16 years old and a very talented musician who has accomplished many goals in her education thus far.  Katelynn has been chosen in 2010 as one our sponsorships to help further her educational goals and God given gift in music.  Katelynn is in need of purchasing a piccalo to help her further her educational goals.  She is attempting to raise funds herself toward her piccalo and the ministry has agree to sponsor her in her efforts.  Please visit  Katelynn's website below to learn more about her fundraising efforts.   Children are our future and supporting them by investing in thier education is a worthwhile accomplishment.

Below is the essay that Katelynn submitted which granted her sponsorship with our ministry.

This Essay is a list of everything I can think of that I' have accomplished in my five years of being a proud member of the Pride of Durant:

  • I have won "Most Talented Woodwind Player"
  •  I received the "Cassy Hallmark Scholarship for band in the eighth grade (only two students are chosen for this scholarship a year!),
  • I've been first chair of my grade's section for five years straight.
  • My freshman year I placed first chair in the OMEA All District Honor Band. I have made the OMEA All District Honor band every year that I've been in band. 
  •  I recently tried out for the districts solo and ensembles competition and received superior ratings for both my ensembles and I am now qualified to go to state next month.
  • The Pride of Durant went to Memphis,Tennessee last year and won the entire competition's sweepstakes (We are the most decorated band in the state of Oklahoma).
  • We are getting ready for next year's competition which is marching in the Memorial Day Parade in Washington, DC in May 2011! Each state chooses one band and sends them to compete. The Pride of Durant,Oklahoma was chosen which is a great honor!
  • I have been chosen to be my section's leader my senior year, I am just a sophomore!
  • My senior year I will get the chance to try out for scholarships for band which my director says I am well on my way to getting them if I keep up my hard work and devotion to the band. 
  • I am very serious about everything I do and I am determined to work hard and continue to pursue my talents that God gave me. I would very much appreciate any donations toward a new piccolo  that I was chosen to play next year being only a sophomore!

         Thank you very much!

