Arms Outstretched Ministry Inc Virginia

What Our Ministry Does
Vision and Mission
Upcoming Events
Statement Of Faith
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We Need Your Support

When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, no one is likely to die for a good person, Though someone might be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. Romans 5:6 (NIV)

Upcoming Events


01-31 Adopt A Soldier Outreach (Iraq & Afghanistan Troops)
08     Wounded Soldier Outreach @ Bethesda Naval Hospital
20     Community Bread Distribution
29     Adopt a Soldier Military Meal Distribution
01-30  Adopt a Soldier Outreach (Iraq & Afghanistan Troops)
05      Wounded Soldier Outreach @ Bethesda Naval Hospital
19      Adopt a Soldier Military Meal Distribution
26      Community Bread Distribution
01-31 Adopt a Soldier Outreach (Iraq & Afghanistan Troops)
05     Wounded Soldier Outreach @ Bethesda Naval Hospital
19     Community Bread Distribution
26     Adopt a Soldier Military Meal Distribution
01-30  Adopt a Soldier Outreach (Iraq & Afghanistan Troops)
02      Wounded Soldier Outreach @ Bethesda Naval Hospital
16      Community Bread Distribution
21      Adopt a Soldier Military Meal Distribution/Shoe Distribution 
27      Homeless Outreach @ Vineyard
01-31  Adopt a Soldier (Iraq & Afghanistan Troops)
06       Youth Event w/Masters Commission
07      Wounded Soldier Outreach @ Bethesda Naval Hospital
14      Community Bread Distribution
19      Adopt a Soldier Military Meal Distribution & Foot Washing Service (Shoe Distribution)            
01-31  Adopt a Soldier (Iraq & Afghanistan Troops)
04      Wounded Soldier Outreach @ Bethesda Naval Hospital
18      Senior Citizen Outreach @ Summerville Retirement Home
23      Adopt a Soldier Military Meal Distribution
01-31  Adopt a Soldier (Iraq & Afghanistan Troops)
09      Wounded Warrior Outreach @ Bethesda Naval Hospital
13       Homeless Outreach @ Vineyard
23      Community Bread Distribution
21      Adopt a Soldier Military Meal Distribution
01-31   Adopt a Soldier (Iraq & Afghanistan Troops)
06       Wounded Warrior Outreach @ Bethesda Naval Hospital
13       Bread Distribution
22       Homeless Outreach (ACTS)
23       Elderly outreach (Summerville assisted living)
18       Adopt a Soldier Military Meal Distribution
01-31  Adopt a Soldier (Iraq & Afghanistan troops)
03       Wounded Warrior Outreach @ Bethesda Naval Hospital
17       Community Bread Distribution
22       Adopt a Soldier Military Meal Distribution
24        Meal for Needy Families
01-31  Adopt a Soldier (Iraq & Afghanistan troops)
01      Wounded Warrior Outreach @ Bethesda Naval Hospital
08      Community Bread Distribution
27      Elegant Meal Service
20      Adopt a Soldier Military Meal Distribution
22        Meal for Needy Families
01-31 Adopt a Soldier (Iraq & Afghanistan troops)
05     Wounded Warrior Outreach @ Bethesda Naval Hospital
17     Adopt a Soldier Military Meal Distribution   
26     Community Bread Distribution 
19        Meal for Needy Families
01-15   Shoeboxes for the Homeless
01-31   Adopt a Soldier (Iraq & Afghanistan troops)
03       Wounded Warrior Outreach @ Bethesda Naval Hospital
15       Homeless outreach @ Pr. Wm Thermal Shelter
24        Meal for Needy Families
If you are interested in helping us with any of these outreaches or wish to support us financially toward the success of the outreaches, please go to our "contact me" or "donation" pages of the website. Please continue to pray for our ministry.